Thursday, September 15, 2011

Summer of Reconnecting... on a Deeper Level

It has been a few months since my last post.. the spring and summer flew by with lots of travel to the Adirondacks, New York City, California, New Jersey and CT. It was a summer to remember beginning with a reconnection with a best friend from college whom I hadn't seen in 28 years. She introduced me to the movie... WHO DOES SHE THINK SHE IS, A Documentary film about women balancing lives as artists and mothers. It was amazing and I encourage you to watch it. Here's the trailer. 

Jane and I are on this journey now of letting go, allowing our children to leave the nest and fly on their own. This gives us the opportunity to explore the older, wiser artist within to see what she needs to say and produce.  I need other women artists through this process that relate and am grateful that the universe brought us together at this time in our lives.

This week the September sunshine in the morning has been spectacular. I have been painting my "Rose of Sharon" in my garden which is in full bloom. I love this time of the year and am really trying to be present in the moment and do the next right thing. Here are a few shots of the morning light. 

Till next time. Love and Peace to you, Cindy