Tuesday, April 27, 2010

April Snow in the Finger Lakes

I love Spring in the Finger Lakes of New York State! We have an old fashioned lilac bush behind our home which is beginning to bloom. I am so excited to paint some watercolors of the gorgeous flowers. This morning, we awoke to big flakes of snow coming down and I grabbed my camera to take some photos... Aren't they so pretty with the pure snow lying upon the leaves and blooms?  

This was one of those times when nature gives us only a few moments to respond... following our intuition can be learned... listening to that little voice inside that says "this is important - do this now!" 

I am so glad I listened and took these photos. By this afternoon, the sun was shining and the snow was gone. (really glad about that!) but I loved the photos! 

Enjoy the moments in your day and listen to your intuition!


  1. Very neat photo, Cindy. Beautiful.

    Interesting having snow today after the 1st April weekend being in the 80s!!!

  2. I just discovered your blog - when I was looking at The Quiet Place - and I have enjoyed looking at all of your posts. I am a writer who lives in Rochester. I've enjoyed looking at your nature/Finger Lakes artwork; also enjoyed the work inspired by your trips to Italy and Spain. I have been to Sicily several times and it has inspired some wonderful writing.
