Saturday, February 19, 2011

Peeling the Onion - An Artist's Search for Authenticity

I have often heard the saying that searching for one's authenticity is like "Peeling Back the Layers of an Onion." I have been on this path for awhile now but lately it seems to be more important than ever.
Who am I now that my children are young adults and my role has a mother has changed? Can I now be the artist - the painter - working through the night - driven by a painting that needs to come out onto the canvas? I am doing that more than ever before my work is expressing my inner self - I am  reading Andrew Wyeth's Biography and learning the importance of painting daily. My goal, even as I am back to the snow, cold, wind and darkness...
is to paint daily choosing bright colors, write in my journal and meditate. Peeling back those layers... laughing, crying.... as I live the best life possible - NOW!

1 comment:

  1. I hear you, Cindy... and am in awe. I love the onion painting ~ as well as your photos and watercolors from Florida. What a beautiful walk.
