Monday, October 19, 2009

Inspired by the Beauty of the Finger Lakes, New York

Today I am creating  in my design studio which is in a two room renovated 1800's schoolhouse. I am blessed to have large windows to look outside and get inspired!  The Finger Lakes area where I live is absolutely gorgeous this time of the year! Leaves are changing to shades of yellow ocre, alizarin crimson, burnt sienna and on a sunny day like today everything is in 3D.The farm markets are alive with fresh produce - pumpkins, apples, grapes all ready to enjoy! One of my dreams over the years has been to integrate design with painting and through the Finger Lakes Visitors Connection (a creative, energetic and amazing client) - have been given the opportunity to do so... Here is this years Visitors Guide. Check out the link and you can go page by page. Enjoy the day!

1 comment:

  1. Our office loves to work with you as well...
    Always bold, exciting, beautiful.
