Sunday, February 14, 2010

La Vie en Rose - Venice, Florida Inspired

Colors - Sun - Retreating with Women Friends - Time - My spirit was craving these in the middle of winter here in the Finger Lakes... I put a "walk on the beach" picture on my vision board and voila! I had the opportunity to visit this gorgeous area and get inspired, soak up some rays of sun, spend time absorbing all the colors and smells... and just be.

I embraced the moments... and was asked to paint a mural on my dear friend's wall in her home... and a sign on her front door... La Vie en Rose...  I learned so much from this painting about myself... that I need to take risks to grow, move out of my comfort zone and "Let Go." Really, anything can happen if you let it. 

The rose came to life with wisps of ocean air
Bloomed on a Saturday, the Sixth of February, Twenty Ten
After working herself out through
The hands of a painter
Burst forth in color and dimension
Dancing to songs of Italy and France
And images of mermaids and angels
Her serene softness speaks as to me as I enter
With a whimsical spell that casts
Stopping me for a moment and giving permission to 
Just Let Go

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